How to reach there?


Location summary

Green Valley Resort is located in Budanilkantha-5, Dadagaun, Shivapuri, just 5km from Budhanilkantha temple in Budhanilkantha.

As you reach to Budhanilkantha chowk, move towards Budhanilkantha School & Bishnumati Bridge. Across Bishnumati bridge, there are two roads one leading to Krishna temple (ISKON) and next to the place called “Dandagaun” where Green Valley Resort is located.  You will find the hoarding board showing the direction at this point.

From that point, Green Valley Resort is just 5km ahead. The road is smooth and easy to travel either on a bike or a car. As you ride along, you will be stopped by army officers at the checkpoint.  They may ask you for your destination and ID for security reasons. Kindly let them know you are visiting Green Valley Resort. Keep following the road, you will reach a beautiful, well maintained Nepal Amry’s Staff College and Officers’ Mess. Further up-the-road you will come across a helipad and that’s the last landmark to reach the resort. Few meters up and you will see Green Valley Resort, waiting for you.

Please check the video by Youtube user Uresh Maharjan   who filmed his journey to the Green Valley Resort from Budhanilkantha on his bike. 

Quick Summary

  • Distance from Durbar Marg: 15 km
  • Altitude: 1920m – 2000m
  • Drive duration 45 minutes from Durbar Marg.